In an ever increasing interconnected world, knowing some technology terms can be useful in all sorts of ways.  You may have noticed over the last few years many terms that once would have only been used in a IT department have entered common usage.  Which is fine but can get confusing if you’re a little out of touch with some of these expressions especially when acronyms start being thrown about.

A network is several printers, computers, as well as other devices which can be linked together with cables. The sharing of resources and information. Printer each computer, or other peripheral device which is on the network is known as a node. Networks can have tens, thousands, as well as numerous nodes.


Both most popular forms of network wiring are twisted pair (also generally known as 10BaseT) and thin coax (also called 10Base2). Thin coax looks such as the copper coaxial wiring that is frequently used to connect a VCR.


Network Adapter

Some NICs are installed in of a computer: a network card is plugged straight into among the computer’s internal expansion slots and the PC is opened up. Many 486 computers, and 286, 386 have 16-bit slots, so a 16-bit NIC is desired. Quicker computers, like high speed 486 Pentiums and s,, frequently have 32-bit, or PCI slots. These PCs need 32-bit NICs to reach the most rapid networking speeds potential for speed-critical applications like databases, multimedia, printing, and desktop video. And if your computer will be combined using a Fast Ethernet network, it is going to need a network adapter that supports 100Mbps data speeds at the same time.

This device needs an IP address if it is to communicate over a TCP/IP based network like the internet.  YOu can read more about IP addresses and their operation here-


Another technology that has become increasingly important in the last decade is that of proxies.  In pre-internet times they existed mainly as computers which acted as gateways to different applications and networks.  Now proxies are used in all sorts of environments in order to improve speed, access and even privacy.  The newest generation of proxies have advanced features which allow people to control hundreds of connections from a single desktop or device.

Basically a proxy server is a computer which can act as an intermediary between you and your target.  On the internet they are normally used to relay your connection privately, hiding your location and IP address from a target website.  Lots of people use them to bypass geo-targeting blocks which stop people using certain sites depending on their location.  Using a proxy can avoid these filters making them perfect for things like watching UK TV from outside Britain.


The final bit of the networking puzzle is known as a hub. A hub is a box which is used to assemble groups of PCs at a central place with 10BaseT wiring. In the event you are networking a tiny number of computers together, you might be able enough to get by using a number of network adapters, some 10BaseT cables, as well as a hub. Each hub, consequently, may join some of computer together using 10BaseT cabling, which lets you construct networks of tens, hundreds, or tens of thousands.
A network is any group of independent computers that communicate over a network medium that is shared. LANs are networks typically confined to a geographic area, like a school campus or one building. LANs may not be large, linking as few as three computers, but frequently link hundreds of computers utilized by a large number of men and women. The development of media and standard networking protocols has resulted in world-wide proliferation of LANs throughout educational and business organizations.

Frequently a network can be found in multiple positions that were real. Broad area networking joins multiple LANs that are geographically independent. Broad area networking is as easy as remote access server and a modem for workers to dial into, or it is as complicated as hundreds of branch offices worldwide linked using specific routing protocols and filters to minimize the cost of sending information sent over vast spaces.


The Web is a system of interconnected networks which are global in scope and ease data communication services like file transfer, remote login, electronic mail, the World Wide Web and newsgroups.  The Internet was limited to academic and military associations, but it’s a full fledged conduit for all and any types of business and info. Internet sites now provide educational, private, political and economical resources to each corner of earth.  You can normally access the internet from most organisations both large and small.  Access is normally restricted through a specific computer or gateway normally called a proxy server.

Further Reading