It’s been about five years since I first tried out a beta version of a new Ticketing Bot that was doing the rounds. To be honest I was lucky to try it out as the full version was several hundred dollars, but I got to use it for a little feedback. Just to explain a Ticket Bot is a piece of software which allows you to go to specific Ticket websites, in this instance Ticketmaster, and buy multiple tickets under different aliases.   It was a very profitable experience although it did involve something of a learning curve especially about ticketing proxies and different ticketing sites.

At the moment of course, we’re in the middle of a global pandemic and the entertainment and concert industry is pretty much on hold.  However there’s a lot of expectation for huge pent up demand when the industry re-opens including the ticketing sites.  This will of course mean popular tickets will be even harder to get.  When you combine this with potential social distancing measures that might be in place, the ticket sites are going to be under siege when the events start up again.  Will demand return and people want to buy tickets again, I think it’s almost certain.

Is Software like these Ticketmaster Bots Illegal ?

Like pretty much every legal issue online it’s somewhat of a grey area and largely depends on where you live.  The software itself is certainly not illegal in any way by itself.  However there’s an increasing chance that using Ticket Bots or any piece of software to purchase large numbers of tickets for resale from a ticket site could well be illegal.  Much of it probably depends on scale, if you buy tickets and sell a few on to cover your costs is unlikely to be very risky.  However you never know when the ticketing sites will start to clamp down on this practice – although there’s some evidence that they’re complicit in the reseller market anyway.

Anyway here’s some of the legislation which has been designed to target using a ticket bot- 

There are other examples of other legislation in the pipeline although of arguably much more limited scope.  The surprising thing is that is that most of the Bots are still around, still working and making lots of people an awful lot of money.  The problem is, like many internet relating laws is simply that of enforcing these laws and regulations.   It’s extremely difficult to track down these offences and very expensive to bring a case to court especially if the offences are committed across geographical boundaries.  What’s more the extensive use of proxies means that it’s even harder to trace down these transactions in any case.   

ticketing proxies

Bottom line is that the rewards are potentially huge, and the chance of being caught while using sites like Ticketmaster to but tickets very small.  However depending on where you are based you should be aware of these legal restrictions.   It’s difficult to give a definitive answer but many want these Bots to be declared illegal, but there’s little sign of people stop using them yet.  The reality is that anyone doing this is already using private proxies and specialized residential proxies to hide themselves when purchasing so it’s virtually impossible to trace people at this stage. 

Selling them though is more difficult but again perfectly possible as large brokers operate without issue. You should be aware of the risks though, as they’re definitely increasing depending on where you live.  Many of the people making money out of the ticket industry have switched their skills to other areas while the market recovers.  Many online ticket scalpers made a fortune using Bots to buy up PS5 and X Box Series X consoles too.  The mark up on these just before Christmas 2020 was 100% plus and much more for a short period.

Using a Ticket or Ticketmaster Proxy Server for Anonymous Ticket Scalping

The idea is that for highly demanded events using software would be much more effective than sitting at home waiting to press the buttons manually. Especially because many of these events literally sell out in minutes and you had to be very lucky to get any tickets at all.  Even with unlimited bandwidth and a fast connection, using e commerce sites manually for high demand purchases is always going to be something of a lottery.

In such events the limit is normally set at two or three tickets, at the very most four so that you can’t pick up any for your friends either. In reality it doesn’t matter as trying it manually from a remote location it’s almost impossible. Which is what normally happens to me, when a ticket release happens then I’m nearly always somewhere obscure at the end of a painfully slow internet connection.

ticket proxies

There are many problems, sometimes it’s the location – you’ll rarely get a chance at a US concert if your IP address says you’re somewhere in Asia or Africa for example. Ticketmaster tries to check you’re a genuine customer and it presumes you’re up to no good if you try from a foreign country! Also simply the distance means you’ll be at a huge disadvantage anyway as those Boss tickets time out while you’re putting them in your basket! Frustrating, you bet !!!

The software circumvents a lot of this, optimizing the responses and allowing you to have multiple tries at getting some tickets. Or more interestingly giving you the chance to score a load of tickets with which you can make a tidy profit. Yes a little bit scalper like but when you see the money you can make it’s awfully tempting!

Why Ticket Proxies Are Essential

The problem is that although most ticket bots are fast and efficient. Plus it can try multiple times but most of them do nothing about hiding/obscuring your IP address. Even if it is in the right place you cannot make multiple applications using the same address or you’ll get blacklisted or blocked.  Without hiding this all your purchases can be linked to the same IP, in fact you won’t even get that far as they’ll be blocked and blacklisted automatically.  

This is why people buy proxies, simply because giving you the ability to hide your real location/identity and use a false IP address instead. Not only can you have a completely optimized location and connection, you can have lots of them too! Nowadays there are even specialist Ticketmaster proxies which are located near their servers and are specially designed for speed and to get passed all the blocks.  There aren’t many proxy providers who offer this level of geographical targeting especially for a residential proxy (one that looks like a standard hone user connection – one of the few is called IP Burger who many eBay users swear by.  It does require more advanced proxies than those people use to watch TV abroad for example

The Right Proxy Services will Bring Success

If you don’t use proxies to hide your IP address then frankly you’re wasting your time. However there are now some great deals on these proxies which us IP rotation to allow switching between lots of different addresses very simple.  You can configure the software to dip into this proxy pool as required from a central control panel. These are much more cost effective than using reserved dedicated proxies on even the smallest package.   It’s definitely worth finding a proxy provider who allows this, the most advanced is a company called Luminati but they can be expensive. Check out the other options mentioned on this site like Storm Proxies too. Remember though any proxy used to access an E-commerce site like Ticketmaster should ideally be using residential IP addresses. Any other classification such as datacenter proxies is likely to be filtered unless you’re only trying to get one or two tickets.  Some of the smaller ticketing websites places won’t have such advanced detection but Ticketmaster proxies really need residential addresses to work properly.

For commercial or larger scale then residential IP address are pretty much essential for ticketing proxies. They’ll normally be rotating as it’s actually quite difficult to buy static residential IP addresses due to their costs.  Much depends on the scale though, you can get away with fairly basic tickets proxy for very small purchases or for internet marketing.

Using these rotating proxies which are available under quite inexpensive proxy packages though works really well especially with ticket bots as you can simply plug in a single proxy address. The proxy will then rotate through different IP addresses, if you use a decent company you can configure this to maximise your chances. Some companies let you configure to a city level which can help greatly when trying to get tickets for a specific event.