Of all the latest technologies that are filling the news pages of the technological press – perhaps the most common is ‘cloud computing’. In effect this is a technology that is already playing a great part in most of our lives but what exactly is it?

Cloud computing identifies the programs provided as services on the web and the hardware and systems applications in the information centres that provide these solutions. The data centre hardware and software is that which we can call a Cloud. Cloud computing is comparatively new idea and it’s become popular lately.

Cloud adopts virtualization technology and also at the gist of Cloud computing there’s a logical gap between distinct nodes, every node appears as a unique physical system to the consumer. Unlike grid computing systems, it creates many dispersed computers linked together to make a large logical computer that can handle large number of information and computation. In the event of Cloud calculating the virtualization technology makes it feasible to get each node seem as different physical machine enabling user to load custom applications and operating system on every node and configure customized rules for every node.

The notion of computing is developed from parallel processing, distributed computing and grid computing systems. There’s a little gap between them but they operate differently. Although computing is an emerging area of computer engineering, the idea’s existed for a couple of decades. It’s named Cloud computing because the data and applications exist on a “cloud” of Web servers. To simplify the concept, Cloud computing can be defined as simply the sharing and application of applications and resources of a network environment to get work done without concern about ownership and management of the network’s resources and applications. According to Scale, with Cloud computing, computer resources for getting work done and their data are no longer stored on one’s personal computer, but are hosted elsewhere to be made accessible in any location and at any moment.

Related Technology Comparison

Grid computing a Type of distributed computing and parallel computing, whereby a ‘super and Digital computer’ is composed of a cluster of networked, loosely coupled computers acting in concert to perform Huge tasks

Utility computing The packaging of computing resources, such as computation and storage, as a metered service very similar to a standard public utility, such as electricity.

Autonomic computing

Computer systems capable of self administration.

General mechanism

Cloud computing utilizing information technology as a services over the network. The idea generally encompasses of Infrastructure for a service (IaaS), Platform for a service (PaaS) Hardware for a Service (HaaS) and Software as a service (SaaS). It may be the ability to lease a server or servers and run a geophysical modeling application available anywhere. It may be the ability to (S Rupley, 2009) rent a digital server, load software on it, turn it on and off at will, or clone it to fulfill a sudden workload demand. It can be storing and securing considerable quantities of information that is accessible only by authorized applications and users. It can be supported by means of a cloud provider that sets up a platform with the capacity to scale automatically in response to changing workloads. It can use a storage cloud to hold application, company, and individual data. And it may be the ability to use a small number of internet services to integrate photos, maps, and GPS information to create a front page in customer Web browsers.

In a cloud computing system, there’s a substantial workload shift. The network of computers which comprise the cloud handles them instead. Allow the cloud take care of it. Today’s, a Web Browser such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 is widely use as an interface software in cloud computing system. It’s increasingly being used as an alternative to privacy applications too, see the article here about BBC iPlayer blocking VPNs.

The truth is, internet users already utilized some kind of cloud computing. If they have an email account with a Webbased email service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, then they had some experience with cloud computing. Rather than running an email program on a local computer, user will log in to a internet email account remotely. The software and storage for the account doesn’t exist in the neighborhood computer it’s on the service’s computer cloud.

Key characteristic of Cloud Computing

Currently, there’s absolutely no standard definition or specification for Cloud Computing. It Might Take some time to define the key characteristics of Cloud Computing based on practices in the field.Based on practices in the areas of service provisioning and solution design, the next two key enabling technologies could play a Very Important role in this revolutionary phase of cloud computing:

Virtualization technology

Virtualization technology works to handle on the way the image of the operating system, middleware, and application procreated and allocated to a physical machine or part of the server stack away. The virtualization technology may also help reuse licenses of operating systems, middleware, or software applications, once a subscriber releases their service from the Cloud Computing platform.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

A service oriented architecture is basically a collection of services. These services communicate with one another. The communication can involve either simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some activity. Some means of connecting services to each other is needed. The growth of a system or software architecture is presently moving towards services oriented, unlike several decades ago the majority of the application is stand alone and purposely for single use. Even if it was possible to buy UK proxy specifically for use with a residential IP address these are strictly commercial organisations.

Lately, the gigantic development of the online user and internet technology availability the usage of applications can now be leased. Giant company like google, Microsoft, Sun or even Amazon have this capability provide software services rather than selling the software directly to user. The SOA is system or software design that addressing componentization, reusability, extensibility, and flexibility. These whole characteristic is a fundamentals need for company that are searching for reducing cost and choose to rent instead of purchase.